Free printable Spanish verb tenses worksheets for teachers and students– Learn and practice how to conjugate verbs correctly (in indicative and subjunctive moods) with these exercises. Work online and check your answers interactively or print for later / classroom use.
- Spanish Present Tense Exercises
- Present Tense (indicative) Exercise 1
- Present Tense Exercise 2
- Present Tense Worksheet 3
- Present Tense Worksheet 4
- Present Tense Regular Verbs 1
- Present Tense Regular Verbs 2
- Present Tense Regular Verbs Worksheet 3
- Simple Present Regular Verbs Exercise 4
- Present Tense Irregular Verbs 1
- Present Tense Irregular Verbs 2
- Present Tense Irregulars Exercise 3
- Simple Present Irregular Verbs Worksheets 4
- Present Subjunctive Tense Exercise 1
- Present Subjunctive (Mood) Worksheet 2
- Spanish Present Subjunctive Worksheet 3
- Spanish Present Subjunctive Practice 4
- Conditional Tense Exercise 1
- Conditional Tense Exercise 2
- Conditional Mood Worksheet 3
- Spanish Conditional Mood Exercise 4
- Regular Verbs in Conditional Tense 1
- Regular Verbs in Conditional Tense 2
- Conditional Tense Regular Verbs Worksheet 3
- Conditional Mood Regular Verbs Exercise 4
- Irregular Verbs in Conditional Tense 1
- Irregular Verbs in Conditional Tense 2
- Conditional Mood Irregular Verbs Worksheet 3
- Spanish Conditional Mood Irregulars Practice 4
- Future Tense Exercise 1
- Future Tense Worksheet 2
- Simple Future Tense Worksheet 3
- Future Tense Spanish Sentences Exercise 4
- Regular Verbs in the Future Tense 1
- Regular Verbs in the Future Tense 2
- Future Tense Regular Verbs Exercise 3
- Future Tense Regulars Worksheet 4
- Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense 1
- Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense 2
- Future Tense Irregulars Conjugation Worksheet 3
- Spanish Future Tense Irregulars Conjugation Practice 4
- Preterite vs Imperfect Spanish Exercise 1
- Preterit vs Imperfect Spanish Worksheet 2