1 to 2 Years Developmental Milestones EYLF Checklist - Child Obs Template

The Developmental Milestones Checklist EYLF 1 to 2 Years enables Educators to link each of the milestones within the developmental domains to the EYLF Outcomes.

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Developmental Milestones EYLF Checklist 1 to 2 Years

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1 to 2 Years Developmental Milestones EYLF Checklist Overview:

The Developmental Milestones EYLF template can be used to link 1 to 2 Year Old's developmental milestones to the EYLF. The milestones included are for each domain including cognitive, language, emotional, social and physical. This template enables educators to provide clear links of the child's observed milestones and how they link to the Early Years Learning Framework. This template includes: